Best Solar Panels

Best Solar Panels - 20KW Panel mounted over sheet

Having heard of too many brands of solar panels, you may find it difficult to locate the best suitable one. 

So, here is a guide to support you. Since there are a lot of panel manufacturers in INDIA, we took some among them, based on the market capitalization. 

We recommend the best solar panels, keeping these manufacturers as a benchmark.

A little History...

Earlier we were relying on major brands coming from other countries. 

Panels coming from Germany, Australia, America and Korea had more demand than those coming from China. 

Since panels coming from China were cheaper than the other counterparts, most of the importers were dependent on China. 

And, those who imported panels from other countries, other than China, found it difficult to compete with the pricing.

So, those importers, who brought panels from countries, other than China, tagged those panels as the most efficient and the best solar panels. 

Eventually they were able to sell it at higher pricing. Those importers who imported the panels and sold it through a trading network, didn’t show any commitment to the customers. 

They stopped importing such panels either when they found it difficult to import or found that the margin is getting reduced.

As a result, the customers couldn’t claim for warranty. Importer or the trader washed off their hands.

Foreseeing this, Government of India tried to regulate the imports and wanted to promote manufacturing in INDIA. 

As a result, the government is framing a standards structure and are going to make it mandatory to have a BIS certificate for selling the panels, in INDIA. 

A very nice, appreciable move from the Government of INDIA.

Major Panel Manufacturers In India...

  1. ORB Energy
  2. Adani Solar
  3. Vikram
  4. Waree Energy
  5. Microsun

Those were some among the leading solar panel manufacturers in INDIA. 

There might be more, who have their own manufacturing plants in INDIA. 

But, we are considering panels coming from these manufacturers, only. The manufacturers are not listed on a ranking basis.

The numbers shown are only serial numbers.

We are considering Mono Crystalline PERC panels, Only. 

There are poly crystalline and mono crystalline panels, in the market. But, sooner or later these panels are going to be obsolete. 

Also, there are variants of mono crystalline panels like Bi-facial – Framed and non-framed. 

Since these are new to the markets we are simply keeping it aside, for the time being.

Best Solar Panels - Analysis Strategy

There are many parameters associated with each solar panel. 

For instance, the material used for manufacturing the frame, the quality of the glass, the weather proof rating of the junction boxes etc. 

However, these things might not have a direct relationship with the performance of the panel. 

For example, the frame material. Although, a strong frame structure is required to hold the panels from heavy wind pressure, extra ordinary temperature variations, it has nothing to do with the conversion of light energy to electricity.

Therefore, we are going to consider only those criteria which has a direct impact on the production. 

For instance, Efficiency of the cells, Open Circuit Voltage (Voc), Short Circuit Current (Isc) and of course, the WARRANTY !!!

1. ORB Energy

ORB Energy Panel
ORB Energy –Mono PERC Panels

You can find 60 and 72 cells variant of these panels. 72 Cells is the recommended one.

As per the data sheet of the higher rated panel, i.e. 385Wp, has an efficiency of 19.74%. This is quite remarkable and is the best among others.

Efficieny 19.74% for ORB Panels

It offers a relatively high efficiency of 19.74%.

A summary of the other relevant parameters are given below.
1. Open Circuit Voltage (VOC) – 49.70Volts
2. Short Circuit Current (Isc) – 10.06 Amps
The build up materials, of every panels, remains almost the same. Like the IP rating of the junction box, frame material etc. 

Therefore, i believe that it s not that much important. Nowadays, manufactures try to follow stringent quality standards on the raw materials used. 

Regarding the certifications, almost all the manufacturers posses all the certifications that is required.

One more factor, that may be required to consider, is the Warranty. As per the data sheet from ORB, we can see that the panel will produce not less than 80% of the rated power, even after 25 Years. 

Which means that, you can expect at least 308Wp  even after 25 Years.

2. Adani Solar

Adani Mono PERC Panel
Adani Mono PERC Panel 385Wp

The 72 Cells variant of ETERNAL series panels rated at 385Wp has an efficiency of 19.1% only. Even the 390Wp panel efficiency, which is 19.35%, is nowhere near the ORB panel. 

Refer the picture below. You may think that a mere 0.4% is not that much. But, it is not like that. 

A decrement in 0.4% matters a lot in the industry.

Eternal Series Panles From Adani


Specification of Adani Panels 385Wp

A summary of the other relevant parameters are given below.

1. Open Circuit Voltage (VOC) – 47.99 Volts
2. Short Circuit Current (Isc) – 10.11 Amps

1. Open Circuit Voltage (VOC) – 48.15 Volts
2. Short Circuit Current (Isc) – 10.16 Amps

These figures also falls behind the ORB counterpart.

Now comes the Warranty !!!

The company says that their will be a performance degradation of 3% in the first year and from the second year onwards, a reduction of 0.68% can be expected.

This means that, after 25 Years, the production may come down to 314Wp approximately.

3. Vikram Solar

Vikram Solar Somera Grand Series Panels
Vikram Solar Somera Grand Series Panels

The 72 Cells variant of Somera Grand series panels rated at 385Wp has an efficiency of 19.84%. 

This is a little bit higher than the panels detailed above.

Somera Grand Panel Data
Somera Grand Panel Data

A summary of the other relevant parameters are given below.

385 Wp
1. Open Circuit Voltage (VOC) – 48.9 Volts
2. Short Circuit Current (Isc) – 10.14 Amps

These figures shows that these panels can perform better than the No. 2 counterpart and slightly ahead of No.1, as far as, the “Isc” is considered. But, almost 1 V is lesser than No.1 on Voc.

Warranty !!!

The company says that their will be a performance degradation of 3% in the first year and from the second year onwards, a reduction of 0.65% can be expected.

This means that, after 25 Years, the production may come down to 314Wp approximately. Similar to No.2.

4. Waaree Energy

Waaree Energy Arka Series Panel Data
Waaree Energy Arka Series Panel

The 72 Cells variant of Arka Series Panels rated at 385 Wp has an efficiency of 19.84%.

This is exactly similar to the Somera Grand Series from Vikram Solar.

Arka Series 385 Wp panel data


Arka Series 385 Wp panel data

A summary of the other relevant parameters are given below.

385 Wp
1. Open Circuit Voltage (VOC) – 48.65 Volts
2. Short Circuit Current (Isc) – 9.95 Amps

These figures shows that these panels can perform better than the No. 2 counterpart and slightly ahead of No.1, as far as, the “Isc” is considered. But, almost 1 V is lesser than No.1 on Voc.

Warranty !!!

Here the warranty has been mentioned in another way. The warranty will be for 10 Years. At the end of the 10th year, a maximum 10% degradation is expected. Maximum of 20% degradation by the end of 25 years.

Similar to that of others. The only thing is that, they have mentioned it in a different way.

5. Microsun and Kirloskar

Among the two, Microsun has a manufacturing unit whereas Kirloskar does’nt have. 

Although Microsun is manufacturing panels, they don’t have a Mono Crystalline (PERC) variant. 

Instead, they have a Mono Crystalline Variant with rated power 375 Wp. 

Therefore, there is no point in including them in our study. So, for the time being we are keeping them apart.


That is to say, the only key factor that has to be considered in finding out the best solar panels, is the efficiency data provided by the companies. 

We don’t have any method to ascertain the figures, since there are many other factors that can affect the production.

As we know, efficiency means, the ability of the solar cells to convert the light into electricity. 

In addition, there are parameters like the voltage and current produced by each panels.

 Most importantly, these values too have direct impact on the performance of the system.

 Therefore, to make a conclusion on the best solar panels, we need to consider those values too.

 But, as you can see here, these values doesn’t differ that much.

So, we have to take into account minor variations in those figures too. 

Therefore, I am leaving the decision to my readers. But, since it is not good to leave it like that, I am expressing my view in this regard.

The best solar panel

It is the 385 Wp panel from ORB energy


The article “How To Buy The Best Solar Panels For Your Home” will take you through the various considerations that you should have, before making a decision to buy the solar panels for your home.


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